Reporting period: July - August 2011
A total of 200,000 cases of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) are expected to be treated in Niger in 2011. As of 28 August 2011, 187,306 children have been treated for SAM in the country. At this rate, it is likely that the overall estimated caseload of SAM for 2011 will be exceeded. Meanwhile, the first round of the 2011 cash transfer operation took place on 2-7 September in the vulnerable district of Magaria (Zinder region), targeting 20,880 households.
A total of 1,182 meningitis cases were recorded as of 21 August 2011, including 138 deaths (case-fatality rate: 11.6 per cent). The number of new cases has been increasing more slowly since June.
A total of 10,510 cases were recorded as of 21 August 2011, including 42 deaths (case-fatality rate: 0.3 per cent).
A total of 1,074,922 cases were recorded as of 21 August 2011, including 752 deaths (case-fatality rate: 0.06 per cent). This is a period of high transmission for malaria. However, the number of cases and the case-fatality rates are lower than for the same period in 2010.
A second case of polio has been confirmed in the North of the country. A new round of vaccination is being organized at the national level and will take place in the weeks to come.
A total of 1,189 cases were recorded as of 30 August 2011, including 33 deaths (case-fatality rate: 2.77 per cent). Five out of eleven districts remain in epidemic status and the cholera epidemic is being closely monitored.
MIGRATIONS A total of 224,275 migrants (official and non-official) have entered Niger since January 2011 according to Government estimates. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has reported that 77,562 people have migrated to Niger from Libya through official border checkpoints (as of 23 July 2011), including 1,111 women and 1,246 children. UNICEF is assisting the return of women and children in close collaboration with the Ministry of Population, Promotion of Women and Child Protection. UNICEF is also assisting displaced migrants hosted at the IOM-managed transit center located in Dirkou (Agadez region) by improving access to safe water and sanitation.
A total of 13,638 people have been affected by floods during the month of August 2011 in the districts of Ouallam, Téra, Filingué, Kollo, Say, Tillabéry and in the Maradi region. Almost one thousand houses (986) were destroyed and five people died. The regions of Tahoua and Agadez were also affected by floods.